Halloween is a great time to get together with friends and family and have some fun. A costume party is a classic way to celebrate the holiday, but why not add some extra excitement by incorporating drinking games?

In this article, we’ll explore some Halloween drinking game ideas to liven up your costume party.

1. Horror Movie Drinking Game

What’s Halloween without a good horror movie? Create a list of common horror movie tropes, such as “someone gets killed,” “jump scare,” or “creepy music.”

Every time one of these tropes appears on screen, take a drink.

2. Costume Contest Drinking Game

A costume contest is a staple of any Halloween party. Turn it into a drinking game by having participants take a drink every time their costume is mentioned or complimented.

3. Halloween Trivia Drinking Game

Test your guests’ knowledge of Halloween with a Halloween trivia drinking game. Create a list of Halloween-related questions, such as “What is the name of the killer in the movie ‘Halloween’?” or “What is the origin of the tradition of carving pumpkins?”

Every time someone gets a question wrong, they must take a drink.

4. Bobbing for Apples Drinking Game

Bobbing for apples is a classic Halloween game that can easily be turned into a drinking game. Fill a large bucket with water and apples.

Participants must try to grab an apple from the bucket using only their mouth. If they are successful, they get to choose someone to take a drink. If they are unsuccessful, they must take a drink themselves.

5. Ghost Stories Drinking Game

What’s Halloween without some spooky ghost stories? Turn it into a drinking game by having participants take a drink every time there’s a jump scare in the story or every time the storyteller uses a specific word or phrase.


1. Can these games be played with non-alcoholic drinks?

Yes, these games can be played with non-alcoholic drinks, such as water or soda. It’s a good idea to have both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options available for players who don’t want to drink alcohol.

2. Are there any other Halloween drinking games worth trying?

Yes, there are many other Halloween drinking games worth trying, such as Pumpkin Spice Latte Roulette, Halloween Themed Beer Pong, and Witch’s Brew. It’s always a good idea to research the rules and make sure everyone playing is aware of the risks and agrees to play responsibly.

3. Can these games be adapted for virtual parties?

Yes, many of these games can be adapted for virtual parties with the help of video conferencing tools and online games. It’s important to make sure everyone is able to participate and that the rules are clear before starting the game.

4. Can these games be played with kids?

No, these games are not appropriate for children as they involve alcohol consumption. It’s important to ensure that only legal drinking-age adults are playing these games.

5. Are there any Halloween-themed drinking games for larger groups?

Yes, games such as Halloween Flip Cup, Halloween Kings, and Halloween Power Hour can be great for larger groups. It’s always a good idea to research the rules and make sure everyone playing is aware of the risks and agrees to play responsibly.


Incorporating drinking games into a Halloween costume party can add some extra excitement and make the night even more memorable. These five Halloween drinking game ideas are sure to liven up any party or gathering.

However, it’s important to drink responsibly and know your limits. Always prioritize safety and make sure everyone is on board with playing the game before starting.

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