Parties are always fun, but sometimes you need a little extra excitement to get things going. That’s where drinking games come in!

One of the most popular drinking games out there is the Most Likely game. This game is all about finding out who among your friends is most likely to do certain things. And of course, there are penalties involved for those who are chosen.

If you’re looking for a new drinking game to try, the Most Likely Drinking Game Rules is a great choice. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know to get started.

What is the Most Likely Drinking Game?

The Most Likely Drinking Game is a popular party game that involves finding out who among your friends is most likely to do certain things. The game is simple: one person asks a “most likely” question (e.g. “Who is most likely to get arrested?”) and everyone points to the person they think is the most likely.

If you’re the person who gets the most points, you have to take a drink. It’s a great way to get to know your friends better and have some laughs along the way.

How to Play the Most Likely Drinking Game

To play the Most Likely Drinking Game, you’ll need a group of friends and some drinks. Here’s how to get started:

Gather your friends and drinks: This game is best played with a group of people, so make sure you have enough friends to play. Each person should also have a drink in hand.

Choose a “Most Likely” question: The first person to go will ask a “Most Likely” question (e.g. “Who is most likely to forget their own name?”). Make sure the question is something that everyone can answer.

Everyone points to their answer: After the question is asked, everyone points to the person they think is most likely to do the thing mentioned in the question.

The person with the most points drinks: Once everyone has pointed, count up the points for each person. The person with the most points has to take a drink.

The game continues: The person who just took a drink then gets to ask the next “Most Likely” question, and the game continues.

Game Scenarios To Help You Understand How the Most Likely Game is Played

Here are a few concrete examples or scenarios to illustrate how the game works:

Example 1

Player 1 might ask, “Who is most likely to go skydiving naked?” All players would then point at the person they think is most likely to do that. If Player 3 has the most fingers pointed at them, Player 3 would take a drink.

Example 2

Player 2 asks, “Who is most likely to forget their own birthday?” If most fingers point at Player 5, then Player 5 takes a drink.

Example 3

Player 4 asks, “Who is most likely to accidentally send an embarrassing text to their boss?” If most people point to Player 1, then Player 1 would take a drink.

The beauty of this game is that it’s very flexible. You can ask any “most likely” question you can think of, and it can lead to lots of laughs and good-natured fun as you learn more about how your friends perceive you and each other.

As always, it’s important to approach this game with respect for all participants and ensure that everyone is comfortable with the questions being asked. And, of course, drink responsibly.

Most Likely Drinking Game Rules and Variations

While the basic rules of the Most Likely Drinking Game are simple, there are plenty of variations you can try to mix things up. Here are a few ideas:

Reverse Most Likely

Instead of pointing to the person you think is most likely to do the thing in the question, you point to the person you think is least likely to do it. The person with the most points has to take a drink.

Double Points

For certain rounds, you can choose to make the points count double. This adds a little extra excitement to the game.

Choose Your Own Category

Instead of having one person come up with all the questions, you can have each person choose their own category (e.g. “Who is most likely to get married first?”). This makes the game more personalized and fun.


How many people do you need to play the Most Likely Drinking Game?

The game is best played with a group of 4-8 people, but you can play with more or fewer people if you want.

Is it safe to play the Most Likely Drinking Game?

The Most Likely Drinking Game can be safe if played responsibly. Make sure everyone is of legal drinking age and that there are non-alcoholic options available for those who don’t want to drink.

Also, make sure that no one is pressured into drinking more than they’re comfortable with.

Are there any other penalties for losing besides taking a drink?

No, taking a drink is the most common penalty for losing in the Most Likely Drinking Game. However, you can always come up with your own penalties or rewards to make the game more interesting.

Can you play the Most Likely Drinking Game with strangers?

While it’s possible to play the game with strangers, it’s generally more fun to play with people you know well. The game is all about finding out who among your friends is most likely to do certain things, so it’s more enjoyable when you have a good sense of everyone’s personalities.


If you’re looking for a fun way to spice up your next party, the Most Likely Drinking Game Rules is a great choice. This game is easy to learn, and it’s a great way to get to know your friends better.

Just make sure to play responsibly and have non-alcoholic options available for those who don’t want to drink. With the right group of people and some drinks in hand, you’re sure to have a blast playing this popular party game.

So gather your friends, come up with some hilarious “Most Likely” questions, and let the games begin!

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