Key Takeaway: Boom Cup is a lively and engaging drinking game suitable for groups of four or more people, offering a fun and entertaining social activity that can enhance any party or gathering. Remember to play responsibly, follow the rules, and make use of the suggested tips and precautions for a safe and enjoyable experience.

If you’re looking for a way to add excitement to your next party or social gathering, Boom Cup is a fun and fast-paced drinking game for groups. This game involves bouncing a ping pong ball into cups and passing them around the table quickly to avoid being “boomed”.

In this article, we’ll show you how to play the game, the rules, setup, and tips for a great time.

How to Play

The rules of Boom Cup are simple. Here’s how to play:

1. The game is typically played with a group of four or more people.

2. Set up a pyramid of cups in the center of the table, with one cup at the top, two cups below it, and so on.

3. Fill each cup with a small amount of beer or another alcoholic beverage.

4. Each player has their own cup filled with beer or another alcoholic beverage.

5. Players take turns bouncing a ping pong ball into the cups.

6. If the ball lands in a cup, the player must pass the cup to the person on their left.

7. If a player makes a ball in on their first try, they can pass the cup to anyone they choose.

8. If a player is passed a cup while they still have a cup in front of them, they can stack the cups.

9. If a player is “boomed,” meaning they are the last one to pass the cups around the table, they must chug the contents of the cup in front of them.

Rules of Boom Cup

To ensure that the game is played safely and responsibly, here are some rules to follow:

1. Players must be of legal drinking age.

2. Drink responsibly and do not exceed your limits.

3. No physical contact is allowed while playing the game.

4. If a cup is knocked over, it must be refilled and placed back in the pyramid.

5. Do not pressure or force anyone to drink.

Tips for Making the Most of Boom Cup

Here are some tips for maximizing your enjoyment of the game:

1. Use a beer with a low alcohol content to avoid getting too drunk too quickly.

2. Use sturdy and stable cups to avoid spills and injuries.

3. Play some music to create a fun and lively atmosphere.

4. Have backup ping pong balls on hand in case some get lost.

5. Assign a designated driver or arrange for alternative transportation if necessary.


Can Boom Cup be played with more than four players?

Yes, “Boom Cup” can be played with any number of players, as long as there is enough space and cups for everyone.

Can the pyramid of cups be set up in any formation?

Yes, the pyramid can be set up in any formation, as long as there is one cup at the top and the number of cups below it increases by one in each row.

What happens if a player drops the ball while bouncing it?

The player must retrieve the ball and start again from their original position.


Boom Cup is a fun and fast-paced drinking game for groups that can add energy to any party or social gathering. By following the rules and tips outlined in this article, you’re sure to have a memorable and enjoyable experience.

Remember to drink responsibly, take breaks as needed, and most importantly, have fun! With its simple setup and easy-to-follow rules, Boom Cup is a great game to play with friends and family.

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